Friday, 7 December 2018



 Benefits for your body and mind.
This is according to the results of a study by the Physical Activity Department of Indiana University. The experiment involved comparing the physical activity of 998 persons of ages between 49 years and 65 with the level of cleanliness in their homes. Out of those observed, people with clean house seemed more active and healthy. It was established that their physical activity could only be related to the cleanliness in their homes.
Think about it; mopping the floor, arranging seats, dusting and cleaning dishes involves a lot of movement. We can actually burn a lot of calories during this exercise.

  •  Increases your chances of eating healthy.
Clean house benefit? Eating healthy.A research published in a journal of the Association for Psychological Science in 2013 showed that physical order, as represented by orderly environments, influences healthy choices. It is easier to spot an apple in an organized space than in a chaotic room.
Moreover, a recent study by researchers at Cornell University Food and Brand Lab found out that being in a messy environment is stressful. Snacks seem to be our go-to choices when we seek comfort for our already stressed out self.

  • A clean house = better sleep.
clean house = better sleep It is clear that a high level of untidiness in our homes causes stress and anxiety. This alone is enough to deprive us a good night’s sleep. Besides, there is a way the brain cannot be at peace when there is clutter around. This is because to the brain, clutter signifies incomplete work. We can hardly sleep better when our brain is not at ease.

  •  Fight off infections and illness
Do we even stop to think that indoor air can be more contaminated than outdoors? We are always mindful of the possible pollution in the outside environment and public places. We forget that our number one threat could be right within our homes.

  •  Boost productivity

A productive person is a happy person. Our minds work better when there is less clutter around. Going by the findings of a study by Prince ton Neuroscience Institute on Interactions of top-down and bottom-up mechanisms in human visual cortex, a home in haphazard condition is a recipe for distraction.
Without clutter in an environment, the mind is more focused and can analyse information quickly. This results in efficiency in any kind of work.

  • Conclusion
These benefits can trickle down to other aspects of the day. For instance, one will work faster, have time to rest and can actually afford the time to prepare a healthy meal. Such a person is also highly likely to retire to bed early, not to mention enjoy a comfortable sleep.

The lesson is, for a clear mind and healthier life, do what you can during the day to keep your home clean, neat and orderly. It will do your mind and body a world of good.

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